Geotechnics | Geology | Surveys

Geotechnical consultation

We will provide you with expert assistance and advice in the field of geotechnical engineering in the preparatory phase of all your projects, during their implementation and after their completion. We are ready to guide you through all phases of construction so that you feel comfortable with geotechnical engineering. 

"Every project is interesting to us."

"You'll find us wherever you need us."

Let us help you:
  • solve slope instabilities
  • determine the stability of the subsoil 
  • design the method of foundations of construction objects
  • design the securing of the walls of construction pits
  • design appropriate remediation measures
  • design the drainage of the structures
  • appropriate and safe placement of soils and other materials
  • make efficient use of available building materials
  • answer other geotechnical questions

Geotechnical supervision

We will be happy to perform geotechnical supervision during construction and foundation work on all types of buildings. We will assess the consistency of the actual geotechnical conditions verified during construction with the assumptions stated in the project documentation.

We will prepare proposals for solutions in case of problems with the stability of the soil body or unsatisfactory parameters of the foundation soils.

We are accustomed to handling matters comprehensively and across disciplines. Therefore, we are always prepared to negotiate with many experts from different disciplines to ensure that matters are resolved in accordance with the design, applicable regulations, the technical capabilities of the contractors and to the full satisfaction of the builder.

Geotechnical supervision usually includes construction and quality control and supervision:
  • The subsoil of building structures
  • Embankments and cuttings of earthworks
  • Road active zones, earth plains and foundation joints
  • Structural layers of road pavements
  • Railway substructure and superstructure
  • Floors of civil engineering structures
  • Landscaping
  • Materials for the foundation and construction of earthworks
  • Foundations of bridges, culverts and other similar structures
  • Piles, underground walls, retaining and frame walls, gabion walls and mattresses, retaining walls, etc.
  • Geosynthetics used to reinforce earthworks
  • Drainage systems
  • Proof and inspection / control tests
  • Operational documentation

Engineering-geological, hydrogeological, geotechnical survey

We will prepare a suitable engineering geological (IGP), hydrogeological (HGP) or geotechnical (GTP) survey proposal for you in relation to your construction project, which we are then able to implement completely.

This will help you to know in what geological and hydrogeological conditions the construction will be carried out, whether or not it will be affected by groundwater, what problems you may encounter, what you can avoid and what you need to take into account in advance. The survey also includes our recommendations for construction.

IGP, HGP and GTP usually include:
  • Preparatory work
  • Review of available documents, documents and information
  • Preparation of the geological works project
  • Arranging access to the land
  • Surveying of utilities
  • Carrying out exploratory drilling works (boreholes, dug probes, etc.)
  • Construction of boreholes for hydrogeological observation, if required
  • Collection of soil and groundwater samples for laboratory analysis
  • Geodetic surveying of probes
  • Processing and interpretation of the results of the exploration work in the final report
  • Implementation of other requirements of the client of the exploration work 
  • Negotiations with the client or the designer

Geotechnical field tests

During construction, it is necessary to check the quality of the works carried out, to ascertain the bearing capacity of the soils in-situ, the degree of their compaction, etc... One of the possibilities is to carry out proof and control field tests.

In accordance with the relevant valid Standards and Codes ČSN, TP, TKP and other technical regulations, we perform and ensure the following field tests: 
  • Static load test (SZZ) for roads, railways and other types of structures
  • Impact load test - light dynamic plate (LDD)
  • Pile Integrity Test (PIT, CHA)
  • Determination of bulk density of soils (determination of compaction rate parameter (D, C, ID)
  • Geodetic control method (levelling)
  • Penetration tests (static and dynamic)

Laboratory analyses

Another possibility to control the quality of the work performed is to provide conclusive and control laboratory analyses.

For this purpose, we carry out sampling of soils, rocks and aggregates, which we assess in terms of their suitability for backfilling, embankments, active zone, construction layers, track bed, determination of the degree of compaction and other parameters.

According to your site-specific needs, we will make an appropriate soil treatment design.

In accordance with the relevant valid Standards and Codes ČSN, TP, TKP and other valid technical regulations, we provide the following laboratory tests: 
  • Grit / grain size
  • Moisture
  • Fluidity and plasticity limits
  • Organic content
  • Permeability
  • Compressibility
  • Proctor Standard (maximum bulk density, optimum moisture content)
  • Minimum and maximum compliance
  • CBR and CBRsat
  • IBI
  • Shear strength
  • Bulk weight
  • Strength tests
  • Frostbite
  • Absorption
  • Frost resistance
  • Volumetric changes (swelling) etc.

Materials engineering

We have been in the construction industry for many years. We have been gaining valuable experience throughout the Czech Republic and beyond, employing and cooperating with prominent experts in many fields. 

We have learned to understand the materials used for construction. We know which materials are suitable for which parts of earthworks and which ones are better placed in landfill. We try to handle the materials available in different parts of our country responsibly and with respect for the environment. We are in favour of using secondary and recycled materials in construction. All this in accordance with the applicable technical regulations.

We will be happy to help you with the assessment of the quality and suitability of individual materials, advise you and work constructively with you on their use.

We have experience with:
  • Quarry aggregates of all fractions
  • Quarried natural gravels and sands
  • Fine-grained soils
  • Artificial aggregates - slag
  • Slurry (including coal)
  • Recycles (concrete, brick, etc.)
  • Other specific materials

Geotechnical Monitoring

We will prepare the design and proposals for geotechnical monitoring so that you have control over the safety of the earthwork during construction and after completion.

As part of geotechnical monitoring, we carry out, monitor and evaluate:
  • Convergence measurements
  • Evolution of pore pressures
  • Embankment settlement and bedrock deformation
  • Inclinometric measurements
  • Dynamometric measurements
  • Extensometric measurements
  • Tensometric measurements
  • Wall inclinations of building structures
  • Deformations of building structures and earth bodies
  • Macroscopic observations of building structures

Hydrotechnical monitoring

We will prepare a project and designs for hydrotechnical monitoring so that you have an overview of the occurrence and behaviour of groundwater in the vicinity of the construction before, during and after the construction works. In this way, we can assess the impact of the construction on the water in the ground environment.

As part of hydrotechnical monitoring, we carry out, monitor and evaluate:
  • Groundwater sampling 
  • Laboratory analyses of water quality
  • Measurement of groundwater levels in boreholes, wells and intakes in the vicinity of the construction site

Geophysical survey

Geophysical prospecting (GFP) is a specific area of non-destructive exploration work without the need for direct intervention in the rock environment. Thanks to it, we are able to get an idea of the geotechnical conditions at the site without having to drill or dig into the ground.

The results of geophysical survey work can be processed independently or correlated with the results of other survey work to get a more complete picture of the rock environment.  

Depending on the specific client's requirement and the boundary conditions at the site, we are able to prepare a suitable GFP design.

The following survey methods can be used within the GFP:
  • Geoelectric methods
  • Seismic methods
  • Radiometric methods 
  • Gravimetric methods
  • Magnetometric methods

Diagnostic survey


We will be happy to design and carry out a comprehensive diagnostic survey for civil engineering and building construction. We provide verification of the existing condition of building structures through visual inspections, destructive and non-destructive testing including evaluation and recommendations.

Ecological survey


We offer you ecological services related to environmental protection. We carry out the localization of environmental risks and the design of corrective measures. We prepare expert studies, assessments and surveys. We cooperate on risk analyses and monitoring of groundwater and surface water.

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